lunes, 2 de noviembre de 2009

Interview Stefanía Tinna Miljevic

Stefanía Tinna Miljevic, 24 years old, Iceland

- What do you think about the promotion by the ambassadors in Iceland?

I think the ambassadors did an amazing job! The whole country was talking about the "young people from the Canary island" so you got the attention from everyone. Old and young. Plus I was in love with the spirit you brought to the town. Everyone were super friendly and introduced the mission very well.

- What did you like most of the ambassadors canaries? Have you talked about the canary islands?

I loved how open everyone was. No one was shy and they had real passion for what they were saying. Everyone was smiling and feeling happy. I fell in love with Canary after meeting you all, and I am planning on coming for a visit this January with my friend, so yes--I have talked ALOT about your country!

- Iceland is known to suffer a severe economic crisis, Do you think that this can greatly influence the Icelanders to travel to the Canaries next?

Yes, absolutely. People are now searching for something to make them feel good but don’t know where to search. So with you all coming here, that really opened our eyes to where to go.

- About the Canary Islands know what? Have you ever visited the islands?

I have never been there and I don’t know much.. But I know that you have beautiful people! 7 islands and 2 million people if I remember correctly :) This is why I would looove to go there to learn more!

- In conclusion, would you like to say something else?

Thank you all for coming up here :) Having you here was like a shot of vitamin for the rest of us and down town looks really empty. Hope all the ambassadors enjoyed my country as well and I hope I will see a lot of your islands very soon :)

3 comentarios:

  1. Genial entrevista. Tina fue una de las participantes en los castings y tuve la fortuna de conocerla desde el segundo día del viaje. Demostró mucho interés por la iniciativa y estaba encantadísima de que estuvieramos en Islandia. Recuerdo que me comentaba que todo el mundo hablaba de nosotros y que habiamos llevado luz a sus vidas...ya no solo por nuestra vestimenta (que no pasaba desapercibida) sino por nuestro espíritu jovial, nuestro ánimo y simpatía. La verdad que todos los Islandeses nos recibieron muy bien y siempre les estaremos muy agradecidos. Ellos también nos alegraron mucho a nosotros. Gracias Nauzet!. Emi :D

  2. Muy bien NAU, genial la entrevista, lo que he podido leer en blogs me había llevado ya a la misma conclusion: nos echarán de menos en Islandia y sobre todo e Reykjavik.

    God bless you.

  3. Pues si, es una maravilla contar con alguien tan predispuesta a viajar a nuestras islas y poder preguntarle lo que piensa realmente de todo esto.

